OPEN CALL: Summer Residency: analog/digital/sensorial

After a similar Artist-in-Residence in 2022 where OCAD U recent graduates joined EKA’s designers, artists and creatives in exploring analogue+digital+sensorial approaches, we are happy to open a new CALL for participants in 2024:  Dates: 12-23. August 2024 Let’s explore the Sensory-based design and artistic opportunities that open up when combining the expertise of Digital Weaving […]

Sensorial Design project exhibition at Design Festival display of design and architecture schools

Exhibition “Sensorial Design: ​​feel, move, interact” introduces EAA’s design research project where the new knowledge is extracted from the design process and experience. The exhibition connects recent works of researchers, doctoral students and Master students of EAA which deal with alternative futures of textile, fashion and interaction design. The shown prototypes, for example, enhance the […]