Exhibition “Sensorial Design: ​​feel, move, interact” introduces EAA’s design research project where the new knowledge is extracted from the design process and experience. The exhibition connects recent works of researchers, doctoral students and Master students of EAA which deal with alternative futures of textile, fashion and interaction design. The shown prototypes, for example, enhance the wearer’s self-confidence through sound vibration (in collaboration with TLU), alter the wearer’s self-perception through movement, extend the understanding of empathy when dealing with digital communication channels, and raise the value of mending as well as healing.

Exhibition can be seen 20.09—26.09.2021

Exhibition official opening:
Mon 20.09 at 18:30
Tue-Sat 12—20
Sun 12—18

@ Põhjala Sixth hangar

More info: http://www.tallinndesignfestival.com/2021-program/international-graphic-design-exhibition-life

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